
Single Step Foundation and CineLibri present Francois Ozon’s film “Summer of 85”

The Team of Single Step For The Homophobic Manifestations in Plovdiv
GenerationArt: Emily Nikolova
The Team of Single Step For The Homophobic Manifestations in Plovdiv
GenerationArt: Emily Nikolova

The Single Step Foundation and CineLibri invite you to a series of events, including a screening of Francois Ozon's film "Summer of 85" and a discussion on "Why Love Causes Hate."

Based on the novel "Dance on My Grave", "Summer of 85" is a bittersweet story about the relationship between two boys. Moderators of the discussion are Nikolay Yordanov, author of the novel "Don't Tell Mama Book" and Ivan Dimov, founder of Single Step.

Dates and locations of screenings can be checked from here.