There are many young LGBTI artists in Bulgaria from towns large and small, who would like to grow professionally, create and be themselves. We organize CampOUT, an annual five-day artistic workshop focused on several genres, especially for them.

Through CampOUT, we provide an opportunity for these young artists from our community, who have already begun their development in one of these genres, to gain knowledge and inspiration from successful Bulgarian and international mentors, to feel free to express themselves and to create together as part of the workshop. In addition to the mentors specialized in these genres, we usually invite popular guest speakers as well. They teach us how to promote ourselves as artists, how to get out of our comfort zone, how to create a network, and how to communicate our work.

It is important for us to give an opportunity to young people between 18 and 25, who have a clear direction and motivation, a desire for development and a creative charge. Each year we announce the dates of the camp a couple of months earlier, together with the genres and mentors and we open the application process. After that, we implement personal interviews and explain the location, transport and accommodation logistics, etc. All those expenses are covered by Single Step.

Keep following our website as well as our profiles on Facebook and Instagram for more information.


CampOUT 2019