
Research on trans and non-binary people and their labour market experience in Bulgaria

GenerationArt: Philip Gurov
GenerationArt: Silviya Marinova
GenerationArt: Philip Gurov
GenerationArt: Silviya Marinova

The Single Step Foundation will start collecting data on the experience of trans and non-binary people in Bulgaria with the labor market and access to healthcare, and the impact on their quality of life. The study we will conduct is divided into two main areas - for employers and for trans and non-binary people as employees or candidate employees.

The main directions in which we have developed the research is the quality of life of trans and non-binary people in Bulgaria and their experience with finding a job, with employers, with work environment, colleagues, etc. Through the obtained data, which we will summarize in a report not only for employers but also stakeholders, trade unions, etc., we will create a set of advocacy activities on this extremely important topic for the LGBTI community in Bulgaria. The study is part of a consortium project Co-Act, which aims to conduct research using the method of Citizen Social Science. This method is based on participatory research, co-designed or directly driven by civic groups that share a particular social concern.

So far in our country such data has not been gathered and the participation of maximum number of respondents will be of great importance. The questionnaire will be online, anonymous and confidential. We will be extremely grateful to the community for sharing the news of our research to gather the maximum number of responses.

The study will be officially launched in early May 2022, and the results will be presented in July 2022 at the latest.

Stay tuned for more information and news on the subject!