
Our Story: Nikola & Petya (Video)

LGBTI Rights in Bulgaria
The Positive News of TV Evropa
LGBTI Rights in Bulgaria
The Positive News of TV Evropa

The Story of a Mother and her Son

Nikola has been a part of Single Step’s since the very beginning. From our conversations we knew that he has a wonderful and supportive family and it was important for us to show how important it is to be a loving and supporting parent. Petya's message to parents of LGBTI kids is very simple: “Love your child, he or she is still the same person and needs you.”

In this video we asked Nikola and his mother Petya about his coming out, what the concerns of parents of gay teenagers are, what makes parents kick out their kids from home, etc. We hope that their real, human story, will guide parents of an LGBTI kid and give them comfort that they are not alone.

Also, watch Nova’s story on Petya, Nikola and Single Step