Sexual Health Program Articles
Today the legacy of Larry Kramer continues to live and will impact the generations after us.
“I want to scream where was all this when my friends were dying!?”
Although people with HIV who are treated, have normal CD4 T-cell counts and suppressed viral load, may not be at increased risk of serious illness, many people with HIV have other conditions that increase their risk.
The number of people who contacted us about sexual communication in the context of epidemics and emergencies is increasing.
For many years, the diagnosis of HIV infection or AIDS was perceived as a severe sentence by patients since multiple and effective treatments were not available.
The flu (influenza) is an infectious disease, typical for the cold and rainy season of the year. Everyone of us at some point in their life has met the flu virus , and has gone through the illness, the severity of which depends on the defense mechanisms of each individual organism.