My Story: The Volunteer
You Are Not Alone
The Chat Will Be Operating During All Holidays, With Changed Working Hours

Between December 23 - 26th and December 30 - January 1, 2018 Single Step's chat will be operating between 4 pm - 6 pm.
The holiday season is usually associated with a sense of family warmth and sharing. But often there are also negative family encounters and experiences, after which a person needs a coping mechanism.
A large number of LGBTI people are exactly in this situation and usually fret the encounter with their family. Why? Because they have not yet come out to their relatives and the prospect of doing so seems distant. Or, they had come out to their relatives, but the reaction was denial, repulsion, violence, "professionals", "curing"... Because the same questions are being asked: "When will you get a girlfriend, son?"; "Won't you stop hanging out with this girl? You look like lesbians." Because all sorts of insulting comments about "homos" - even during family dinners - are often heard.
If you anticipate similar scenarios, if you need someone to talk to in order to find comfort and a coping mechanism, reach out to us over the holidays. Our volunteers will continue to be there for you! You are not alone.