
Single Step – Part of “Common point”

GenerationArt: Kaya Kolishka
Capital.bg About VentureOUT
GenerationArt: Kaya Kolishka
Capital.bg About VentureOUT

Single step participated in a Kick-off meeting of a new project called "Common point". The project is coordinated by the Hatter Tarsasag association from Hungary and implemented in cooperation with the Prague Pride association from the Czech Republic and the LORI association from Croatia.

The duration of the project is 24 months, and the overall objective of this project is to improve the social inclusion of LGBTIQ persons by increasing the quality of services provided by mental health professionals (clinical and school psychologists, counselors for employee assistance programs, social workers, professionals for crisis interventions).

The project is funded under Erazmus+, KA2 - Collaboration for Innovation and Good Practice Exchange, KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education.