Last training for social workers on “Professional criteria and guidelines for supporting young people with different sexual orientation and gender identity” – Sofia

GenerationArt: Viá T. Nam
GenerationArt: Haralambi Markov
GenerationArt: Viá T. Nam
GenerationArt: Haralambi Markov

On 29 September at our community space The Steps, we completed a successful series of free training sessions for social workers on the topic of "Professional criteria and guidelines for supporting young people with different sexual orientation and gender identity", which we held in some of the larger cities in the country - Plovdiv, Burgas, Pleven, Vratza, Veliko Turnovo, Pernik and Stars Zagora.

Our latest training brought together various professionals in the field of social services and psychological support and allowed to discuss the specificities of supportive work with LGBTI youth.

We would like to thank Anna Zhukivskaya, psychologist and coordinator of our psychological support programme, as well as our colleagues Dr. Momchil Baev, head of the sexual health and HIV programme, and lawyer Natasha Dobreva, legal consultant, for their participation in the training. We are also grateful to our volunteers who joined us to share their invaluable experience of working in our online psychological support chat.

We also say a big thank you to all the professionals who joined the nation-wide trainings for their active participation, fruitful discussions and shared knowledge. It was a pleasure for our team to meet professionals who show a willingness to learn more about supporting LGBTI youth and their families. We at the Single Step Foundation remain on call should you need advice or guidance.

The training is part of the three-year project "Empowering young LGBTI people through access to services, motivation and focused policy change", which is implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main objective of the project is to support and empower young LGBTI people and professionals working with them.

The entire responsibility for the content of this section lies with Single Step Foundation and can under no circumstances be taken to reflect the official opinion of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Operator of the Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria.